Global CyberAttack Rolls On

Global CyberAttack Rolls across the planet taking hold of approximately 150 Countries

Global Cyber Attack Rolls Across Europe and over 150 CountriesA week ago Netflix was hacked and held ransom to pay a specified amount of money to release the most recent production of “Orange is the New Black”.   That caught many “Internetpreneurs” and technical news hounds by surprise.

A new attack of worldwide ransomware has hit included approximately 200,000 victims in over 140 countries globally. Europol has reported that the global reach of the attack was “unprecedented” and indiscriminate in general.   The ransomware attack had no clear pattern though the common factor being that it installed in personal PC’s, University, Healthcare, Banking, Financial Service companies and included Corporate and Government networks.

Europol Director made a statement on Sunday that he has never seen any random and indiscriminate cyberattack of this magnitude and has requested assistance from the FBI to identify the culprits and provide a definitive solution to an attack that has crossed national borders on an unprecedented scale.

As of Sunday morning, Europol, the FBI and other cooperative government agencies are in the face of an escalating threat of which the numbers are continuing to rise.  Further infection is expected as employees and employers return to work on Monday morning and continue with the normal and expected business cycle.

Fortunately, the British health care system was enabled with a quick recovery supposedly due to the enlistment of a cybersecurity researcher who managed to identify the common elements of the intrusion.  The researcher is a self-identified Malware Tech who noticed that the malicious code that caused the previous attack consistently pinged requests to a domain name that was not reserved or live in the DNS system.  The tech simply bought the website’s URL and took it live and essentially created a make shift “Kill Switch” resulting in a cessation of the attacks.

Learn more about this threat and how you can protect yourself and business from its negative implementations.

Read more about the author Greg Wenzel