Local Listing Review’s editor Greg Wenzel is a long standing on-line marketing consultant, professional photographer, artist manager and merchandiser, travel writer and on-line business consultant. Greg has a broad scope of business experience and is also a blog author providing a wide variety of articles on different topics. Topics include, politics, world events, religion, on-line business strategies, email marketing, travel adventures and reviews of airlines, limo services, airport services, restaurants, delivery services, local band reviews and updates, identity theft and fraud prevention along with sources for legal assistance and providing original image submissions to a number of photo related sites.
Greg is a “Linkedin All Star” and has been involved in a number of professional ventures including real estate, advertising, SEO consulting, email marketing, data list management, oilfield lodging services, digital media management. software product management, business development, technical project management and University instruction. Greg is currently involved with www.corporatelodging.com, www.mavericksonline.com and www.theprofessorunderfunk.com. He owns and contributes to a number of news and blog sites and is known to stir up the pot regularly on Facebook.com
As Editor of Local Listing Review Greg can provide many quality options for increasing both local search strength and overall SEO and general reputation attributes of your website. Go to the local listing review submission page for more information on your current listing status and to view potential for expanding and strengthening your local search profile.